‚ô• Sunday, September 07, 2008
woah.. last week was.. woah.. haha. i've had never drunk so much in so little time and gotten drunk so many days in a row. damn.. i'm going to hell. not that i really care that is. haha.
went clubbing at arena with bf, jean, sam, yiming and leeman on friday night 29 august. which means at 12midnight i would be 18. haha.
sam and my birthday chalet on monday 1 sept. where we all got soo soo drunk.
leemans birthday on 2 sept where wee all got abit drunk but yiming got really really drunk and dropped his phone 3 levels down. and so many other funny stuff happened during truth or dare. it was mostly dare anyways.
3 sept.. hrmmss...oh.. went to yimings hse again for no reason at all to drink. haha. that was real shit mans. we all got DEAD drunk. haha.
i hardly got any sleep or even wnet home those days, so like when i actually went home on thursday, i slept for like 14 hrs. haha. i feel like a pig.
also, i've really got to start doing my work. especially bio, vivienne loh is gonna blow my head off my body if i dont do her work. and i just feel bad for the other teachers. haha. i am i good student =]]
went shopping for winter clothes ystd with my mom. YAY.! i'll be going to scotland =]] and we'll be coming back with my sister to tour europe.!! haha. i'm so so so glad. but i think if thats really the case i'll need to activate autoroaming service on my comp cause i'd probably not be back in more than 1 mnth and i'll miss my friends =[[